THE END! #365

Several months late, but I did it! 365 photos, one per day for the last year. It was a great challenge for me since I’m not known for my follow through. I definitely achieved my goals. I used my camera a million times more than I would have otherwise and I began to learn new techniques and even basic skills, such as adjusting shutter speeds and working out nice macro shots.

In the end the best part is having a visual record of the last year. One of my biggest regrets from college wasn’t what degree I did or didn’t get, or what I may have done at parties while drunk, but it was my lack of photos. I have only a handful of shots of friends and places. In one year on this blog I can’t believe I did all these things. I also took the time to notice details I usually would have passed right by.

From now on I’ll be blogging my baking and diy projects over at The Cheerful Novice.

~ by Arwen on January 28, 2010.

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